Sunday, June 29, 2008


It's almost easiest to write this in english, and best, though I'm lousy at spelling and writing in this particular languge. Reason #1; It's kind of hard to write swedish on these czech/computers, Reason #2> Now I can leave a message to all those poeple I've met during this trip (and will meet further on) that doesen't talk the wonderful languge svenska...

So I'm currently in Prague, and have been since friday. It's a beatiful city, I can tell you. After saying goodbye to my kind host Weng in Berlin it didn't take long before I met three swedish guy, also traveling by interrail, and they have been my company for the last couple of days. Now they have continued to Wien, while I've decided to stay another night in this town. So; I'm alone again but hopefully not for long. I'm not sure of the next stop, my only plan is to be in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on wednesday.

Today is my 7th day of traveling. Times passes. I have aproximately 17 days left of traveling.

That's it for now.

Next assignment; Finding a new, cheaper hostel. Wish me good luck.


Anonymous said...

Jag hann besöka min andel städer och länder i Europa förra sommaren, och så mycket är säkert, att det finns inte en plats, utanför Sverige dårå, som känns mer hemma än Prag. Fantastisk stad, fantastiska människor, fantastisk kultur!

Toni said...

en grammatikers mardröm, denna text. Utsätt oss inte för mer av denna sort. ; )

Anonymous said...

Jag tror att jag faktiskt var ganska tydlig med att jag ar vardelos pa att skriva pa engelska, aven om mina verbala egenskaper i fragan ar ratt skapliga, sa du var varnad. Och tro mig, det blir nog inte mycket mer an sa.